Hair that can also experience stress, which requires relaxation laiknya soul and mind when the owner was kesuntukan, and try to find the self-pacification. It is not surprising then that a spa treatment has become part of the lifestyle, are also applied to give attention to the strand-strand crown it.
Hair Spa, according to staff based natural product cosmetics Natural Pro 2000, Kunti Prasetyoastuti, can be a solution to hair stress, caused by various factors. Of mutually shampoo (shampoo), exposed to direct sun exposure, as well as the process of hair coloring and drying the hair using the device (hair dryer) with the intensity of high temperature.
"Hair broken in pieces, reddish, opaque, and fall, the characteristics of hair stress, which is nearly identical with perhaps our minds, that looks disheveled when stress," said Tuti, greeting familiar Kunti found at the arena in Bernas Jogja exhibition products herbal performed in JEC (Jogja Expo Center), Friday (16 / 9).
Hair with hair care spa in principle to provide flexibility to the hair to breathe and berelaksasi, with a pore-pore skin head, and then give nutrition to restore the condition of damaged hair.
Hair spa, and Tuti said not to be done in the center-center beauty (beauty center), which offers care packages with the price and take selangit for hours.
Hair spa treatment can be done at home, in leisure time rift, with the process of around 45 minutes. After washing hair with shampoo, which is then required aromatherapy oil that has been burned, to be smeared, a massage to the scalp with a function to open the pore. This process is also intended to give effect relaxation, and facilitate absorption of hair spa cream to hair. While hair spa in the cream and made from various natural materials, such as vitamin E, essential oil of diperkaya lavender flower, Eucalyptus, Rosemary and sandalwood into a kind of nourishing the hair to restore the condition.
Hair spa for hair Tuti said stress should be done periodically, but too often do not have to, just to the intensity of a one-time per month. Without waiting for stress, treatment is necessary is done, just enough to give room for the hair to berlega, relaks, without burdened by the behavior of the free menurutkan hair trends, such as coloring, hair-perm hair up....