Children Hairstyles Biography
Ah, Disney child stars. Precocious and charming, fresh and wholesome. Their every move swoon-worthy to legions of high-pitched screaming young fans. Upon closer inspection, you may also notice that Disney kids are pretty stylish too. It’s not all pigtails and Minnie Ears for these petite fashionistas. They’re showcasing the latest trends and reinventing the classics in the hopes of making their own mark. Beauty inspiration is everywhere. Even in our Disney starlets!
Click through for 10 Disney kids hairstyles that work great for moms too and how to make them your own with professional tips and tricks from renowned celebrity hairstylist
So many readers have asked me questions about our own adoption experience that I decided to publish here the entries from my personal blog as they happened. I share this because the Heart to Heart agency we used has 18 babies being born in June and July of 2016… and they do not have enough homestudy-ready adoptive families for them.
What I share here is quite personal, I know, and this is really putting myself out there for scrutiny… because these are my thoughts and emotions (un-edited) as they happened. I hope that this information will allow you to experience ‘second-hand’ what adoption was like for us, and perhaps if you are going through it yourself, you can relate and possibly see how we coped with all the ups and downs. Through these posts, you literally will walk with us as we begin the process from Day 1 all the way through finalization with our son, and beyond…
I know that some of these posts are religious in nature, as I am a very religious person, and I truly believe that my son came to our family by divine design. I apologize in advance if the emotions I talk about are not familiar to you or do not fit your religious beliefs. I will try to my best to insert explanations where I feel appropriate, but hopefully you will be patient with me and my views on God, religion, and family.
Again, I know that by doing this I and my family open ourselves up to judgements and ask that you read these entries in the spirit in which they were intended. Please understand that, until now, these experiences have only been shared with close family and friends and were originally intended to be personal journal entries. As such, they are very personal, sacred, and heart-felt moments of mine and I hope you will treat them with the same respect even if you don’t agree.
Lastly, in an effort to make my 37 single-spaced pages of journal entries into something more reader friendly, I have broken my writings into nine separate posts, linked one to another, instead of one massive post. This way you can read a little one day and come back to it another, etc. Thanks for understanding!
Children Hairstyles

Children Hairstyles

Children Hairstyles

Children Hairstyles

Children Hairstyles

Children Hairstyles

Children Hairstyles

Children Hairstyles

Children Hairstyles

Children Hairstyles